A tale of a mother and nutritional therapist relinquishing control.
I am a mother and a nutritonal therapist- I eat like a goddess. My kids eat 50% like gods and goddesses and 50% utter shite.
For me this has caused conflict, guilt and worry. The main issue I have is with sugary ultra processed breakfast cereals.
But I just let go .
You can too.
I know, I know this sounds counter intuitive.
They used to eat eggs on rye bread or avocado toast or yogurt with nuts and berries but they just developed agency and thats a good thing right?
So I have reached the conclusion that it is
their journey and despite my best endevours and qualification in functional nutrition I cannot ( nor do I need to ) control what my family are eating 100% of the time.
I also know that the 12 years I have fed them like kings and queens doesnt get taken away just beacuse they reach teenagedom. They will come back to the healthy foods and accomplished flavours they were raised with.
Here is a picture of our breakfast cereal collection that both my kids devour ( In abundance!)
I love the juxtorposition of the right side of the shelf vs the left.
So how can we support our children to eat well?
As parents we are the gatekeepers afterall. We do tend to do the shopping.
We do tend to have the final decision about what comes into the family house in the form of foods.
I work alongside many parents who are hugely worried about the health and wellbeing of their children as we face an obesity crisis and an increase in type 2 diabetes. and the first thing I say to them is to shop more mindfully.
Your biggest tool as a consumer and a parent is to start reading labels..
The simple rule we have in our home is that cereals with a red in the traffic light system are not welcome in our home. They are not even allowed over the threshhold! With breakfast cereals it is the sugar & salt levels you need to pay close attention to. A high sugar breakfast will spike blood glucose leaving your child hungry, unfocused and craving more sugary junk.
Sounds simple doesnt it. Thats because it is!. The kids find the rule easy to follow too and actually enjoy working out which cereals are a better choice if they come shopping with me.
I also ensure that the other 2 meals they eat are as nutrient packed as possible. Including lots of plants, animal proteins, fibre and essential fats.
For a great recommendation around the importance of shopping check out-
For a super cereal choice check out- with no added sugars
Or send me an email suzee@suzeetylee.com and ill send you a FREE breakfast recipe bundle!