Are you a health and wellness professional but finding the visibility side of your business a bit daunting? Do you feel like you are faking it and worrying about being caught out as a fraud?
You are not alone in this struggle.
Imposters syndrome often plagues wellness professionals due to a combination of factors.
The holistic industry has seen significant growth with more practitioners entering the field, and this surge can create an environment where comparision flourishes.
In an era domiated by beautiful social media feeds and polished influencers, the fear of not measuring up can be paralysing. The fear of being judged or not living up to the image of a "perfect" wellness professional can most certainly become a hurdle to fully embracing your role.
What is Imposters Syndrome?
Imposters Syndrome is loosely defined as - "being in the position of doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud in the work setting"
Imposters syndrome disproportionately effects women, especially "high achievers"- who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments.
Signs that you might have Imposters Syndrome.
Frequently asking yourself "am I enough?"
Doubting your experience and knowledge.
Over preparing for tasks and presenatations.
Being afraid of being outed as a fraud ( this one impacts me the most)
Being scared of making mistakes.
Feeling unworthy of your own success and of other peoples praise.
Here are some tips to help you to overcome
imposters syndrome.
"Compare at your dispair!"- Scroll less, celebrate more. You are uniquely you and your journey is uniquley yours. Your realness and authenticity are what make you relatable. Celebrate every victory.
Love your imperfections- "If you cant fix it- Bring it!" Perfection is an outdated concept and actually puts off potential new clients from choosing you. You authenticity is what sets you apart in a sea of sameness.
Dont be afraid of charging "your value". Yes! You are not just giving time and expertise. You are giving your precious energy, You are also providing stratergies for wellness and vitality. There is no price tag for this. So master your money mindset.
Embrace the "oops" moments- Remember failure fuels success. Dont harbour your mistakes for too long. Reflect, learn and plan how to avoid them next time. We dont learn by getting it right.
Shine in the spotlight. Being visible on social media can be tricky with imposters syndrome. But take small steps. Share your journey and above all BE VULNERABLE!
A few handy actionable steps to combat I.S
Create a "wins" journal. Read it when you feel small to help you remember the things you did well.
Seek public speaking opportunities even if you offer your services for free (occassionally)
Share your own transformation story. Allow yourself to be SEEN. Your people will find you.
Collaborate with other people in your netowrk. Co-host events and webinars. You could even try interviewing others ( pre-recorded of course at first)
Keep a failure diary. You can use this to reflect upon events. This will help you develop confidence, resilience and preserve energy. It is OK to get things wrong as long as we take away "teachings" from our short comings.
If you find yourself in the comparision trap- perhaps whilst doomscrolling- Call yourself out! You may wish to shout---- "I AM ENOUGH" or "I AM POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE"!