And why in the modern age are we experincing nutritional deficiencies?
According to the World Health Organisation the 3 most common nutrient deficienies are-
Vitamin D3
Vitamin A
But what does Nutritional Deficiency mean?
“Nutritional Deficiency” consists of severely reduced levels of one or more nutrients, making the body unable to normally perform its functions and thus leading to an increased risk of several diseases.
Across the world we see shortages of many nutrients due to global food shortages resulting in conditions such as malnutrition.
However here in the western populations we are facing nutritional deficiencies not due to food shortages but due to low food quality and poor food choices.
This seems to be a juxterposition as along with deficiencies of key nutrients we are also facing an obesity epidemic.
So what are the trends with the 4 key nutrients mentioned above?
Iodine- diets tool low in sea products and organic fruits and veggies- poor soil quality
Poor sunlight exposure- use of sunscreen preventing Vitamin D synthesis
Diets low in quality meats and poor gut function meaning iron is not absorbed optimally.
Diets low in foods containing beta carotenes such as leafy greens and quality animal products.
But the single biggest contributor to global nutritional deficiencies is UPF- or ultra processed foods.
These cannot really be described as foods due to their super low nutrient content.
Not only are these foods harmful at the levels we consume them at but they actually stop us absorbing nutrients from the more healthy foods we may consume.
These are chemicals and not foods.
You may wish to listen to this amazing podcast by Drs Chris and Xande.
My 4 simple tips for ensuring you have optimal nutrients in your food intake are-
Eat a variety of foods daily. We should eat 100 different foods a week
Get an organic veggie box delivered weekly. Organic veggies have between 20 and 40% more micronutrients then non organic veggies.
Eat the best quality proteins you can afford whether animal derived or plant derived.
Keep anti-nutrients or foods and substances that block nutrient absorption to a minimum. That icludes foods containing lectins and alcohol and caffeine.
My best Organic veg box recommendation is Riverford-